Monday, January 18, 2010

Internet and the Dark Age?

So, I am sitting here wondering what to write about for my second blog post and my girlfriend decides to start telling me about this book she is reading written by Maggie Jackson. Apparently it is a book about how the internet and social media are eroding our attention spans and causing us to lose the ability to become intimately focused. Without this "intimate focus" progress will grind to a halt and the entire world will enter a new dark age because none of us will be able to focus. Now it sounds to me like Maggie Jackson is an old fart who managed to get her hands on too much negatively biased information about the internet and modern children. I would like to point out to Miss Jackson that the reason she can write, publish, and actually sell her profound disgrace of a book is because the people with the short attention spans have mastery over the internet. But immaturity aside, I feel that Miss Jackson is one of those people of yesteryear who is fretting about the condition of the planet it's people because the people are different from the way she is used to. I used my reader and came across this interesting article about how our generation is actually kinder and more considerate that the older generations. As for Miss Jackson I am only giving the link to the brief summary contained on the backside of her book.

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