Monday, March 15, 2010

Bump goes your wallet

It is no doubt that the iPhone is a success, a big, freakin success. It is such a success that it may be on the cutting edge of making money obsolete.

As you may already know some time ago an app called Bump was released for the iPhone which allowed iPhone users to swap contact information by "bumping" their iPhones together. This was pretty cool and made exchanging contact information way easier, at least for people with pretty much everybody.

I can haz ur infoz?

This bump app is now taking bumping things to a whole new level. Alongside Pay-Pal, Bump Technologies will be letting you iPhoners exchange money and pay back friends with a simple bump. Well, it's not that easy. Both people would have to have the apps and you first have to sign in with Pay-Pal account information and PIN number but then all you have to do is bump another iPhone and you have just paid your friend back for that bet you made about how he couldn't eat a whole bag of Flaming Hots in five minutes. The app apparently has other features too. It has a way to figure out restaurant bills, tips, and who owes more.

Pictured: What could happen if you don't use this app

So it seems that money problems will soon become obsolete. No longer will you have to worry about leaving your wallet at home. Your iPhone has your back just bump with a buddy and bam! Cash exchanged!

I can haz ur moniez?

Bump your iPhones and eliminate all your material cash problems...

Except the National Debt no bump will fix that...

Now this is all pretty cool, being able to pass cash and such like that through bumping a phone but doesn't that open up a bank account to some pretty serious threats. What if a rogue bump thief just went around and bumped other iPhones with this app and was able to extract cash from people. I'm sure that when the app comes out there will be some kind of safeguard against this kind of crime. But still, it inspires worry because if I forget my money at home then I can't lose my money in a street mugging.

Up to no good again I see

This is still some pretty cool stuff. I may have been wrong in saying that no amount of bumps would erase the national debt.

This bump ought to do it

And because THAT (see right above) is depressing. Here are the cats.

Cute AND Funny

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