Friday, February 12, 2010

Australia's turn

It just seems like somebody kicked the bees nest of internet issues because they seem to be everywhere in the news these past couple of weeks. First we all heard of the Chinese attacks on Google, then Iran blocked some Google of its own, and now there are hackers attacking the Australian web and Australia has asked Google to block some content on Youtube in Australia. This internet world is going to hell as fast as fiber optics can get you to Facebook.


Recently, Australia experienced a large scale Distributed Denial of Service attack on several of its government websites. Several sites were down intermittently between February 10th and 11th. Although the reports are still unsure if the attacks brought down the websites or if an administrator brought down the sites in defense, Unlike most attacks a hacker group has stepped forward and claimed responsibility for the attack.

They have stated that their attack was in response to the Australian government attempting to filter the country's internet to ban inappropriate sites. Assuming that these hacker live in Australia means that the rest of the world can only assume one thing, these hackers are more skilled, more undetectable, and more dangerous than any other hackers in the world. If only because they live IN Australia. As anyone will tell you, everything in Australia is evolved to be deadlier, more cunning, and creepier than anywhere else in the world. Don't believe me? Read what my inspiration has to say about Australia.

Pictured: L33t H4ck3r

The Australian government has come out saying that this attack was the wrong move to make to oppose the filter, which has been tested as being 100% effective for blocking the selected content. However, I think the Australian government is a bit 6's and 7's since it seems that national attention has been drawn to the issue thanks to the hacks.

So thank you Australian hackers. Thank you for standing up for your rights just as our Forefathers in America did for theres. Thank you for bring international attention to yet another country trying to censor is people. Thank YOU for fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way... in Australia.

Pictured: Awesomeness...See also: USA

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