Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Denial of Service Attacks Deny Deniers of Mining Operations

Recently there have been a whole slew of cyber attacks in the news. The most recent one being used to target opponents of a Vietnamese drilling company. According to Google and McAfee, who helped assess the attacks, the attacks were created from a botnet that had been created through a popular Vietnamese keyboard program for Windows. This attack has really brought attention to what kind of power the Internet now has. The DDoS attacks were not targeting major corporations or regulations committees they shut down two blogs that were voicing their opinions towards the mining operation. That should stress the point that blogs are incredibly important in the eyes of the oppressors and that ordinary people can have great amounts of power if they write a popular blog.

Google says the attacks against its own infrastructure and these blogs is most likely not related because the coding is very different. McAfee says that anyone currently using the Vietnamese language keyboard program should upgrade their antivirus to see if their computer has become a bot.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google vs. China...Round Two...Fight

Alright this is probably old news by now but I read about it a few days ago and I have been too lethargic to get around to blogging it. Once again, it is my blog and I can do what I wanna!

Wanna fight about it?

So anyway, I read an update article about Google in China. Basically, Google has decided to remain in China although it moved its headquarters to Hong Kong. I'm not sure why, or where they were before but maybe the food is better in Hong Kong. Google has remained and is still being censored but instead of the self-censoring with Google thankfully stopped doing sensitive subjects are being blocked after repeated attempts to access them. However, Gene Munster, a financial analyst reported that restarting the computer seemed to fix the problems and remove any blockage that was occurring. Yeah I said blockage, big whoop

Wanna fight about it?


What I think Gene Munster MUST look like

Google has also added a neat little function to its dashboard which keeps track of all the searches that are blocked, which must only be viewable in Chinese webspace, because I couldn't find it. And I looked hard, and by hard I mean once so you can't argue with those facts. Another interesting thing to note is that some Chinese companies are severing ties with Google because apparently those red chinese "fatherless sons" love communism and all the money its making them, which most likely accounts to less than I have. Since I'm a college student that only means that China can be making


Except in child labor. They probably make a fortune in that.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How dumb is your hitman?

We all have heard of or used Facebook at some point during our current lives. Facebook gives us the power to keep in touch with all of our distant or not so distant friends and to chat with them regularly. We often use the chat system to talk about things that we are not completely comfortable talking about in person. Some of us take the opportunity to say some very nasty things and that wouldn't be out of place on an episode of Jerry Springer.


However, it seems that some people don't really see the line in the sand that screams you shouldn't talk about that with anybody. It seems that an Italian hitman was recently arrested because his fingers got hot with juicy gossip about his last few kills. I'm curious as to what his thought process was and who exactly his friends are. Did he think that his chatter would be private? Do his friends partake in the "business"? Apparently he had over two hundred friends. Also, does he have any of those friends who are actually just people he met in high school but randomly friend requested him. What was wrong with this guy? One thing I can tell you that was right with the guy was that he loved Scarface. Seriously, Scarface is awesome, but I'm not talking about that.

Second coming of Christ? You decide.

Still though, there are some things that it is just not okay to talk about and being a member of the Italian mafia you would think this guy understood that. It is okay to talk about how you murdered your enemies in Modern Warfare but it IS NOT okay to talk about how you boom head shotted some people who were asking about your "business"

"This is totally going on my Facebook"

Now I'm the last person you want to consult about foreign topics but it seems that keeping your lips and fingers silent about murder is pretty universal, but maybe standards are different in other countries.

"So I just grabbed the lamp and hit him in the back of the head."

Also if you read the article and get to the end with out shaking your head in this guy's shame and laughing at his stupidity read the last tiny section at the bottom where the writers seems to try and make a joke about how this guy needed his friends and then speculates about whether or not his friends have their rocket launchers ready. WHAT? So let me issue my formal apology. I am sincerely sorry that I linked my blog, which focuses on intelligence, humor, and facts, to this article. Because while it is very interesting the writer is hands down an idiot.

DON'T Facebook this

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Big Plan for Broadband

We here at Aurora University understand bad broadband. At certain points during the day we hit peak usage and the


Something like that. The internet pretty much stops working. The FCC has decided that the United States needs a broadband overhaul. Currently about a third of Americans live without broadband in their homes. The FCC not only wants to bring broadband to those people but also increase broadband speeds from an average of 4mbps to an average of 100mbps. Holy crap!

Suddenly a thing of the past

That kind of internet connection would be blisteringly fast. I actually can't fathom how fast that is.

Kinda like this...but FASTER!

The only problem that the FCC has that it needs to get Congress to approve the budget to start this project and create jobs and bring the United States up to standard and beyond in the broadband world it shouldn't be a proble....shoot. It wouldn't be a problem if Congress weren't busy breaking records and celebrating watermelons. Seriously, in the last 20 years no Congress has ever managed to pass so few bills or proposed so many "potential" bills. To date Congress has only passed 253 bills. Most of them are complete and utter BULL(BEEP)... you heard me complete BULL(BEEP). No, I'm not just being a typical angry American. Here is a quote that proves some that.

"As Mark Twain once said, 'When one has tasted watermelon he knows what the angels eat.' I encourage my colleagues to join me in acknowledging the wisdom of Mark Twain by supporting this resolution," Sen. Chambliss said on the Senate floor. The only problem: July is about 14 days late for a Watermelon Month. The crops come in in mid June.

What the great and wise Senator Chambliss is talking about is the proposition that made July 14 "watermelon day" or some other bull(BEEP) like that. Really Senator? Really? Who really (BEEP)ing cares. Everybody is flaming angry that nothing important is getting done and this is the reason why, it's not because the president is or was incompetent(debatable...later) it's because Congress won't get its head out of its at sign dollar sign dollar sign. The FCC has a plan and although it won't be completed by 2020 it's a step that needs to be taken. However, due to Congress the plan most likely will not pass. The republicans don't seem to think that throwing money at an issue will solve it and the democrats won't want to start doling out cash when the economy is already broke. So it looks like we will have to suffer with this

*sigh* still hasn't moved

Instead of enjoying this

Cept on fire cuz it's SOOO fast

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bump goes your wallet

It is no doubt that the iPhone is a success, a big, freakin success. It is such a success that it may be on the cutting edge of making money obsolete.

As you may already know some time ago an app called Bump was released for the iPhone which allowed iPhone users to swap contact information by "bumping" their iPhones together. This was pretty cool and made exchanging contact information way easier, at least for people with pretty much everybody.

I can haz ur infoz?

This bump app is now taking bumping things to a whole new level. Alongside Pay-Pal, Bump Technologies will be letting you iPhoners exchange money and pay back friends with a simple bump. Well, it's not that easy. Both people would have to have the apps and you first have to sign in with Pay-Pal account information and PIN number but then all you have to do is bump another iPhone and you have just paid your friend back for that bet you made about how he couldn't eat a whole bag of Flaming Hots in five minutes. The app apparently has other features too. It has a way to figure out restaurant bills, tips, and who owes more.

Pictured: What could happen if you don't use this app

So it seems that money problems will soon become obsolete. No longer will you have to worry about leaving your wallet at home. Your iPhone has your back just bump with a buddy and bam! Cash exchanged!

I can haz ur moniez?

Bump your iPhones and eliminate all your material cash problems...

Except the National Debt no bump will fix that...

Now this is all pretty cool, being able to pass cash and such like that through bumping a phone but doesn't that open up a bank account to some pretty serious threats. What if a rogue bump thief just went around and bumped other iPhones with this app and was able to extract cash from people. I'm sure that when the app comes out there will be some kind of safeguard against this kind of crime. But still, it inspires worry because if I forget my money at home then I can't lose my money in a street mugging.

Up to no good again I see

This is still some pretty cool stuff. I may have been wrong in saying that no amount of bumps would erase the national debt.

This bump ought to do it

And because THAT (see right above) is depressing. Here are the cats.

Cute AND Funny

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Steve Jobs looks to Tighten his grip on the market

Steve Jobs and Apple have filed a lawsuit against HTC. The complaint being that HTC is producing phones with certain technologies that break patents on several of Apple's products. One of Jobs's claims is that HTC is just copy catting apple, "We've decided to do something about it," he said. "We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours."
Not that I'm a lawyer or anything but I don't know if Steve Jobs is really qualified to make those statements seeing as how his products are "full of innovation and originality"

Pictured: Orginiality

However, Jobs has decided that it will only be fair if HTC is not allowed sell the phones that carry the programs within the United States, however, Jobs has also brought the case in front of the International Trading Board, a sign that he is looking to crush HTC under his Apply boot. Strikingly familiar maneuvering...

Strikingly familiar...

HTC has commented that it is not sure exactly what is happening since they have not had time to investigate the claims. However, Apple is still in a lawsuit battle with Nokia because Nokia believes that Apple has infringed on Nokia's patents. However, in a shocking turn of events Apple countersued Nokia for infringing on 13 patents. Apple is battling two corporations simultaneous in the quest for more money and more control of the market. Hmmm, two enemies, wanting more control, where have I seen that before?