Anybody who lives anywhere knows that America kicks ass. If you live in America you know it kicks ass, if you live anywhere else you most likely hate America because it thinks it kicks ass. Well let me tell you as an American I am extremely proud of my country. When the National Anthem plays I swell up with pride and when I see a great big American flag waving in the wind I can't help but smile.

However, there is one thing that manages to infuriate me every time I think about it. That thing is the sad state of the legislature that has been getting passed. By this I mean Government run healthcare and Welfare. Good programs on paper; atrocious in practice. Every time I think about these programs and some of the types of people that take advantage of them it infuriates me.

Here is a more professional statement on the same topic. None of those reasons really explain what infuriates me the most about either of these government run programs. I know that other government run healthcare programs are basically crap, but what enrages me beyond nine thousand is that other people abuse these programs for no other reason than they are lazy as shit.

Pictured: other people
Let me recap an argument that I had with someone once upon a time that exemplifies exactly the kind of horse shit attitude that explains the sad state that America has fallen into.
1: Every other civilized country in the World has it.
Check this out. I consulted Wikipedius, God of Knowledge, and He answered me with that. Now you will notice that not every civilized country in the world is on that list. Mainly because that statement is an exaggeration meant to imply some sort of commonality that all countries must have in order to be civilized. Now, attacking that statement by showing that not all civilized countries have universal healthcare is dumb and childish. I would like to present a stronger argument. Let's talk bandwagons.

Not this kind
Remember back in the 8th grade when that old dude or dudette came and spoke to your class about drugs and such even though it was clear that this person was the absolute worst choice for the job? Kind of like hiring a convicted child pornographer to work at a Sears photo studio.

Among other poor decisions
This is the same concept. Just because everyone else is doing it does not mean that America has to do it. If England and France started having unprotected sex with Germany would America have to join in? Even though I hear that Germany is pretty kinky in the sack. Arguing that America has to get universal healthcare because other civilized countries have it is not a political, economical, or even logical point to make. However, me making this argument does nothing now that Universal Healthcare has already been passed. This leads me to my next point of rage.
2: I don't know what its like to not have insurance
True, I don't know what it is like to not have insurance, but if anyone is interested I would like to also point out that the reason for that is because my parents always busted their asses to provide stuff like that. My parents worked. The funny thing is that the person who was making these outrageous arguments against me had TWO parents (science says that's twice as good as one), and neither of them worked in any kind of job that provided insurance. It wasn't a matter of circumstance that deprived this person of insurance it was laziness. Why bother working to earn money or insurance when there are ways to get the government to just GIVE it to you. Now, argue with me for a moment. Argue that jobs that provide insurance are pretty difficult and very time consuming for someone who is also trying to support three children. First, how can you support 3 children when you don't work to bring in any substantial income? Second, let me provide you with a short list of about 13 jobs that damn near anyone can have that provide insurance. CLICK HERE. You should notice that this isn't a professional compilation of any sorts, but look at some of the numbers. Just 20 hours at Starbucks earns you health benefits! I live on a campus right down the street from a Little Caesars and they provide health benefits. A FREAKIN GREETER AT WALMART GETS BENEFITS.

She is smiling because SHE has coverage
So basically anyone can EARN insurance. That's the thing though, earning things seems to be too difficult a concept for people in American these days; not everyone though, there are still millions of hardworking people, which raises my next point...
3: Where does the money come from?
Universal health care requires that everybody pay into a fund that sick people can use whenever they want. Everyone has full coverage, that's the meaning of universal after all; even those people that are unemployed, disabled, or too old to work. What do those people pay? Here is the average cost,roughly, of a doctor's visit. It could range anywhere from 60$ to 5,000$. That is a substantial amount of money to consider if 9.6% of Americans are unemployed. I'm not going to do the math for you because math is stupid, but here are the numbers (you can do the math yourself) there are about 311 million people in America and the unemployment rate is 9.6%... enjoy. Whatever that number you got multiply it by something between 60 and 5,000. Big number right? So who gets to cover that? Read this. Now laugh at the stupidity of the person who posed the first question. But ponder the answer. The taxes go up and therefore the people with a taxable income have to pay it. What do the people who don't have any source of income pay? NOTHING! This means that the person I was arguing with can use all the doctor's visits that are needed and they don't have to put shit back into the system for it.

Not being put back into the system
This is why America has become the Land of the Lazy. The laziest people in this country are now just being given things. Why is it that the US is rewarding behavior that is detrimental to everything this country stands for? Why not reward the hardworking middle class? The vast majority of the country that suits up everyday and busts their ass to provide for themselves and their families. The people who have pride in their work and are shamed by being given handouts. What happen to the pride in this country? How is it that so many people have lost their sense of shame? It seems like the wealthy in this country are content to let those financially below them squirm while the extremely lazy, and therefore poor, are content, even proud, to have their livings just given to them. Sadly this will be the way it will be for eternity it seems, because the working class is made up of people who take pride in working hard and these people shoulder up the nation everyday and go out and work to make this country a great place. The only problem is that the lazy and shameless don't have the spine, the guts, or the courage to carry their own weight.
That lack of shame and taking pride in a prideless lifestyle just pisses me off, and if you're a working class citizen it should piss you off too.